Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Choose Your Mood

You ever have one of those days, weeks, months….lives…..where you wake up just feeling like a grouch every morning?  Before you even get out of bed you are frustrated with the tasks of the day and feeling overwhelmed by the chaos of your schedule?  Haven’t made it to the coffee pot yet but you just want to kick the dog and go back to bed and pull the covers over your head?  Well, good news, you are in good company.  Too many of us today experience this type of daily anguish.  We live at a break neck pace seldom taking time to regroup, refresh and rejuvenate ourselves.  All this leads to a chronic state of feeling out of sorts with the universe and makes us tired, troubled and frankly, quite irritable.
So, you’re thinking to yourself….gee, that’s all true but it’s all well out of my control.  I challenge you to rethink that mindshare and consider for a moment what your life would feel like if instead of waking up feeling out of sorts with the world every day, you woke up and couldn’t wait to embrace the day?  The demands of your day haven’t changed yet you approach them all with a vision seen through a totally different lens.  Just as a lens alters the convergence of light rays, as for magnification, or in correction of visual defects, you have the power to change the way you experience things and alter your mood.
Just like choosing what you are going to enjoy for breakfast, you are empowered to choose how your mind is going to control your day.  Happiness is, in fact, a choice.  One that is far too seldom selected by the vast majority of people but I challenge you to consider how your day would be altered if you subscribed to this philosophy for just one 24-hour period.  You owe it to yourself (not to mention to those around you) to live with joy in your life.  Try it for just one day…..make the commitment to yourself that regardless of your circumstances, you are going to approach each task with enthusiasm and the heartfelt pleasure that accompanies doing something well.
You’ll likely discover that your feel good state of mind is contagious and that those around you begin to notice your new approach to life and want some of it.  Imagine what it would be like to actually enjoy your daily activities and complete each day with a sense of fulfillment and completeness.  Pretty simple equation.  Change the viewing and you will change the doing.  You can do it.  Give it a go.
"Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day."
 -Henri Nouwen


  1. Dont forget to see the joy in a steady pay check. If you don't have a steady pay check then enjoy the time off till they come for your house.

  2. As the saying goes, "life is what happens" when we are not looking...While there is no guarantee to happiness, even when we do our best, I find the secret is often to allow that to happen, accept it and know it won't last forever and to prepare yourself for "when it gets better" Otherwise, it gets better and we less prepared for that. I like what you are saying true.
